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Services we provide

At Fireside CFO & Bookkeeping we provide your holistic Bookkeeping needs. 

We can help with basic compliance bookkeeping to make sure you are ready for tax time. 

Or profit-minded bookkeeping, that helps you keep a real pulse on your business. Utilizing KPIs to make wise financial decisions. 

As well as every bookkeeping need in between.

We run a custom quote based on the needs and goals of your business

Service Offerings:

Core Bookkeeping

This is the heart of your business financials. You need to get this right to make all further decisions. 

It's required by law. 

It makes audits a breeze, on the rare occasion they do happen. 

We are happy to report our clients who have been audited  have sailed through them with no penalties. 

Getting your Books up to Date

Is your financial data behind?
Are you flying blind trying to make decisions for your business based on the financial data in your head or what's in your bank account?

Get your bookkeeping up to date and take that stress off you. Make financial decisions and be prepared for taxes with clean financials.

Outsourced CFO 

Do you wish your finances were explained better?

Do you want to know exactly where your business is at to make decisions?

As your trusted advisors we provide clean and thourough Finacial reports based on your core bookkeeping. 

PRicING Strategy

Are you struggling with profitability?

Unable to afford the services you know your business needs?

We look at how you are pricing, the costs involved and create quantifiable changes to help improve profits in your business. We forecast how different price points can affect your long term profitability. 

Crypto Accounting

Have you entered the Crypto/DeFi world and need help with how to report the financial data?


We've got you covered. For the last two years we have been working with some key people in the Crypto world to make sure the accounting side is properly taken care of. 

We'd love to help you with your Crypto Accounting needs.

Training & Internal Processes

We provide training and processes to your staff on areas best kept internal: 

Invoicing and Bill Pay.

We work to create internal controls to prevent fraud and embezzlement. 

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